

Support to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) in the Western Balkans (IPAII2016 Multi-Country Action)



Support to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) in the Western Balkans (IPAII2016 Multi-Country Action)



Grant Contract no.: 2017/386-831


Duration: 01 Apr 2017 – 31 Jul 2020



Action Co-Ordinator:  Institute for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) Ljubljana


As Action Co-ordinator, DCAF Ljubljana will coordinate the Action implementation in cooperation with all Co-Beneficiaries at all times, based on the detailed IPAII2016 Rules of Procedure agreed in early 2017. DCAF Ljubljana will be responsible for the overall preparation of reports, incl. monitoring and evaluation, with the support of the Co-Beneficiaries. DCAF Ljubljana will manage the funds for the whole action and is responsible for the preparation of the overall coordinated periodical financial reports to the European Commission as requestedDCAF Ljubljana also provides the administrative and logistical support as well as the creation and maintenance of foreseen IT tools.During 8 Sep 2017 – 1 Apr 2020, DCAF Ljubljana hosts the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Support Group, a process supported through the IPAII2016 Action.




(1)        Regional Cooperation Council (RCC);

(2)        United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);

(3)        International Organisation for Migration (IOM);

(4)        Organisation for Security Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).



Main goal

The Action contributes towards efficient capacity-building and improved policymaking on Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) in the Western Balkans. In addition, the Action efficiently utilizes the concept of the ‘Integrative Internal Security Governance’ (IISG) in the Western Balkans in order to achieve greater sustainability, alignment, coordination and inclusiveness of the Action’s outputs as well as overall reform and EU-Western Balkan cooperation in this policy field.



Project objectives


IPAII2016 Action is implemented based on three interlinked workstreams:


 1.     Support to IISG process

DCAF Ljubljana will act as host of the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Support Group, based on the ministerial decision taken at the 1st IISG Board Meeting on 8th September 2017. DCAF Ljubljana as host offers the IISG a part of its premises, utilities, partial supporting services, as well as devotes one full-time employee to the process. The rest of the IISG Support Group operational and staff costs and IISG activities are supported by this Action, including the meetings of the IISG Board.


 2.     Support to policy solutions in P-CVE

The Action will contribute to the implementation of the Western Balkan Counter-Terrorism Initiative (WBCTi), the first pillar of the IISG, where DCAF Ljubljana acts as Lead Partner together with Austria. The Action will support the WBCTi methodology in assessing regional needs, priorities, as well as gaps and duplications in implementing solutions and raising capacities in the field of P-CVE and Counter-Terrorism. The Action will equip regional policy-makers and practitioners with tools to tackle contemporary challenges of Radicalisation that may lead to Violent Extremism or Terrorism. It will secure the transfer of good EU practice and work in line with EU policy requirements, in cooperation with EU agencies and the EU RAN Centre of Excellence. The Action will also continuously seek a joint approach to P-CVE capacity-building and reform in the region on part of the Co-Beneficiaries as well as other IISG Partners, utilising WBCTi to prevent duplications and enhance long-term impact and sustainability.


 3.     Operationalisation level / guidance to P-CVE practitioners

The Action supports specific small-scale actions in the WB region, operationalising WBCTi objectives aligned to regional priorities in the WBCTi Integrative Plans of Action. The Co-Beneficiaries will conduct capacity-building and facilitate operational cooperation. The Action will support, among other things, the regular meetings of the Counter-Terrorism Initiative (CTI) Network and its operational results and enhancing cooperation with EU agencies, meetings of the Regional Network of National P-CVE Coordinators (RNNC) established by the IISG in cooperation with the EU, the OSCE LIVE Initiative in WB, the RCC SEE Group of National Focal Points for CVE, the creation of an e-learning module on P-CVE for WB practitioners, and other capacity-building and operational activities. It will thus contribute to enhancing an effective inter-agency and whole-of-society approach to contemporary challenges of Violent Extremism and Radicalisation in the Western Balkans.




  • Enhanced process of aligning and integrating external assistance efforts and regional cooperation activities via IISG process;
  • Raised capacities of the Western Balkan Partners to cope with the severe contemporary challenges presented by Radicalisation that may lead to Violent Extremism or Terrorism;
  • Support Western Balkan Partners in the efficient fulfilment of relevant membership preconditions and use of relevant EU tools;
  • Contribute to organizational solutions of long-term relevance (also post-EU membership) and sustainability for tackling contemporary P-CVE challenges;
  • Enhancing regional security cooperation and the ability of Western Balkan Partners to contribute to European security.



Useful links

1       Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG)

2       Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

3       International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

4       United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

5       Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

6       European Commission – Directorate General for Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)