DCAF Schengen Integration Task Force–Expert-Level Meeting
Ohrid, Macedonia - A DCAF Schengen Task Force Meeting at Expert Level took place 23–26 October 2012 at Ohrid, Macedonia. The expert-level Task Force is composed of experts from Croatia, Slovenia and EU Member States and agencies, and aims to familiarise the beneficiary countries with the current EU legislation, its relevant changes and new developments. After it had been agreed that an evaluation of the countries’ actual preparedness for the fulfilment of Schengen conditions will be conducted via on-line self-evaluation system, the development of this web application had been concluded, pending a testing phase to commence in early 2013. Aided by DCAF and the knowledge and experience transferred by Slovenian and Croatian experts, the Western Balkan countries continue to work on national Integrated Border Management strategies and Schengen-related action plans. The structure of national strategies and action plans was determined, observing the individual needs and statues of respective countries in the overarching process of fulfilling the conditions under Accession Chapter 24 (“Justice, Liberty and Security”). Recommendations for future work priorities within the Task Force were agreed.