

Common Operation “Nišava 2014”

Western Balkan region - The DCAF Border Security Programme facilitates the development and implementation of region-wide operational police measures aimed to fight cross-border crime, organised crime and illegal migration as falling under the responsibility of border police authorities. The Common Operation “Nišava 2014”, which was held between 2-8 April 2014 at a selected part of the Serbian-Bulgarian Green Border and at the Border Crossing Point Gradina, was based on regional risk analyses and operational needs. It focused on the detection of illegal migrants at the green border and on second-line checks at the Border Crossing Point Gradina. It also included activities for the detection of other cross-border criminal activities, such as e.g. detection of trafficking in human beings, smuggling of goods and motor vehicle related crime.

The Operation enabled border police officers from the Western Balkan countries to work side by side with their colleagues from EU Member States with the same goal and methods. Namely, the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia and Republic of Slovenia joined efforts in this operational measure, all Contracting Parties to the Police Cooperation Convention in Southeast Europe (PCC SEE), as well as the Republic of Croatia as a PCC SEE non-Member. Lessons learned and common experience from the Common and Coordinated Operations held through 2012 and 2013 was successfully applied in the planning, organisation and implementation of the Operation.

The Common Operation achieved the planned goals and outcomes, including significant operational results in the fight against cross-border crime and illegal migration. It also demonstrated that the countries in the region are prepared to share the responsibility in ensuring regional security, and are able to perform in operational measures executed together between their countries and EU Member States.
