Training seminar on creating online modules
Bramshill, United Kingdom - Experts from Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia and CEPOL participated at the Training seminar on creating online modules, which took place in Bramshill, UK, from 12-17 May 2014 and was convened by DCAF Ljubljana and CEPOL. The main aim of the event as organised under the EU-funded ISEC project “Developing E-learning Modules on Cross-Border Police Cooperation Tools for Police Education” was to transfer the developed module content in the areas of Data & Information Exchange, Hot Pursuit, and Mixed Patrols into a concrete online modules (beta versions), using CEPOL’s authoring tool. As outcomes of the event, the beta versions of the three online modules are now hosted on CEPOL's e-Net. The finalisation of the modules to version 1.0 is foreseen for the project's 2nd Interim Meeting later this year, when the modules shall become available to all registered users. Options for the promotion of the use of the modules and implementation in national formal training contexts have also been discussed.