

Meeting of the Network of Police Education and Training Institutions

Kranjska Gora, Slovenia – Meeting of the Network of Police Academies and Training Institutions “Illicit trafficking of cultural goods”, within the DCAF Border Security Programme in the Western Balkan Region, was organised under the auspice of the DCAF Border Security Programme Between 25-27 September 2019.

The meeting brought together education and training professionals within respective Police services from DCAF Border Security Programme Beneficiaries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro and North Macedonia; as well as International Partners and Organizations: Europol, OSCE.


The aim of the meeting was to review the national education and training capacities enhancement of capacities for detection and tackling the illicit trafficking of cultural goods and to discuss the development of curriculum for training on detecting illicit trafficking of cultural goods. The participants agreed that the topic of ITCG should be included in their basic trainings and that investigators and border police officers should be specifically trained on the matter. The participants of the meeting will introduce the prepared draft training curriculum to the teachers/trainers, covering the field of criminal investigations, who should include the topic in their basic police education/training. The teachers shall also attend the DCAF Train the Trainers training course in December and will finish working on the draft curricula, having been introduced to the topic of ITCG in greater detail.


The meeting participants support the continuation of work of the DCAF Network of police education and training institutions as it provides an opportunity to exchange information on the activities and to bring to attention operational developments and needs in the region.

