DCAF Field Activity of the Schengen Integration Task Force
Skopje, Macedonia - Participants of the DCAF Field Activity of the Schengen Integration Task Force Working Group, held from 10-12 April 2017, visited the International Airport Skopje, together with DCAF and EU experts, in the role of an evaluation committee. After the visit, the field activity focused on the findings and results of the evaluation performed, and afterwards compared the findings with the situation at the national airports in their respective countries. The second part of the meeting introduced participants with the newly added chapter on return to the Schengen Self Evaluation (SSE) module, with the organisation of joint operations according to the Frontex standards, and latest developments in the EU domain with relevant changes in current EU legislation relevant for border police work. They were also familiarised with the Croatian experience and results of Schengen evaluation (actions taken after the evaluation and how to improve the situation), and about national contingents of deployed foreign police officers at the Macedonian borders.