

Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Tirana, Albania – Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop took place from 2 to 4 December 2019 under the auspices of the DCAF Border Security Programme.

Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Photo: DCAF Ljubljana
Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Photo: DCAF Ljubljana
Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Photo: DCAF Ljubljana
Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop

Photo: DCAF Ljubljana

Acknowledging the advancement of the practical implementation of the Schengen Acquis as one of the key priorities at the Beneficiary Countries of the DCAF Border Security Programme, the main task of the Schengen Integration Task Force is to give the recommendations and to highlight best implementation practises by providing examples in order to assist beneficiary states to apply the Schengen acquis correctly.


The emphasis of the Schengen Integration Task Force Workshop was on the hosting country’s presentation on their cooperation experience with Frontex while planning, organising and executing the joint operations at the border with Greece based on the status agreement EU – Albania (in the light of signing such agreements also by other states in the region of Western Balkan).


Participants had the opportunity to report about objectives and achievements of on-going twining projects in their respective countries, and they were familiarised with the findings and recommendations from the resent "real" Schengen evaluations done in Croatia and Slovenia, and on how these recommendations are going to be implemented.


In addition, according to the established practice the participants were introduced with the novelties in the preparation and adoption of the relevant acquis on the EU level as well with the implementation of the new EBCG Regulation (Frontex) which is coming to force by the end of this year.

