

Meeting of Chiefs of Border Police Services and Heads of Customs Services

Podgorica, Montenegro - Between 30 and 31 May 2019, Meeting of Chiefs of Border Police Services and Heads of Customs Services was held under the auspices of the DCAF Border Security Programme (BSP).

This meeting was part of the project “Regional Police Cooperation and Integrity Building in the Western Balkans” (PCIB), granted to DCAF by the Royal Norwegian Government, which among its objectives aims to enhance cooperation among law enforcement services in the Western Balkans.


Besides DCAF BS Programme Beneficiaries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), Croatia and Slovenia as guest countries took place in the meeting together with representatives of the following International Partners and Organizations: EEAS – Delegation to Montenegro, Europol, Frontex, IOM, IPA (representative from Italy), OSCE, MARRI, IISG, PCC SEE Secretariat, UNHCR Regional representation, UNHCR Office in Montenegro.


The Meeting focused on revision of progress within the DCAF Border Security Programme in 2018 and address recent developments relating to the security in the Western Balkan Region, specifically the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) and the Western Balkan Border Security initiative (WBBSi). In addition, the delegates had the possibility to exchange views and national approaches on dealing with contemporary security challenges.


During this session the participants were taken to the green border area between Montenegro and Albania where they could see first-hand the topography of the border area and were introduced to the activities taking place within the DCAF facilitated Common Operation which was taking place at that time.


It was again stated that the operational support to the countries should continue in the future and that more effort should be done in the coordination of efforts.

